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Plowright Organic

We have been growing and delivering organic vegetables since 2000. Our box scheme enables us to produce affordable organic food on a small scale, with less packaging and fewer food miles. Our goal has always been to develop a sustainable organic system that provides good quality seasonal vegetables to local people and in so doing, helps to re-make the connection between the land and people.

What's happening?

A 30-Mile Feast, a Tasting or Other?

A 30-mile Feast

An evening of delicious food and community on Thurs 20, held in partnership with h East Quay in Watchet, including a talk by farmer Richard Plowright

More details

Plowright Organic

Our shop farm shop will be open as usual from Thursday to Saturday. We are also working in partnership with East Quay in Watchet to provide an evening of delicious food and community with a talk from Richard Plowright, our own organic farmer, in July.


Thurs 20

Any more information?

This will be held in the evening. Times to be confirmed.


Booking required for some or all of your events, even if free?


Is there a charge for some events, even if others are free?


Any special directions?



Stowey Rocks Farm

Over Stowey




01278 734580

Plowright Organic
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