Plotgate Community Farm
Plotgate Community Farm is the UK's largest hand-cultivated Community Supported Agriculture organisation. Tour our gardens and polytunnes, see how we grow veg for our 100 weekly mixed boxes, meeting the growers, Shetland sheep, chickens and pigs.
What's happening?
A 30-Mile Feast, a Tasting or Other?
We're holding a Plotgate Pizza Feast on Tues 25 July from 4pm, with ingredients sourced very close to hand. Come and enjoy the food, cider and apple juice.
More details

Join us for pizzas and salads on Tues 24, from 4pm - £10 a plateful. Licenced cider bar, also serving our own apple juice too. Oven firewood and all ingredients very locally sourced with toppings from the Plotgate gardens
Any more information?
• Tues 25 July from 4pm
• Plot Pizza Feast
• Booking not necessary
Booking required for some or all of your events, even if free?
Is there a charge for some events, even if others are free?
Any special directions?
How to book
Plotgate Community Farm, Double Gates Drove
off Mill Road, Barton St David
TA11 6DF
Find us online