Fanny Hatstand & The Bridge Bakery
Fanny Hatstand is infamous for her quirky original live music and delicious food and drink events- you never know where she might pop up next but you can be sure to find her at Fanny's Meadow festival in August. For the Food Trail she will be filling the wonderful Bridge Canteen and Bakery with music and fun while they serve up some of Somerset's finest locally sourced delicacies.
What's happening?
A 30-Mile Feast, a Tasting or Other?
The Bridge Canteen is teaming up with Fanny Hatstand to serve up a fine 'canteen supper' on Wed July 19 – perfect with a bit of blues and jug music on the side! Plus the Langport mummers.
More details

Fanny Hatstand and the Bridge Canteen are teaming up with for an evening of delicious locally sourced foods, frivolity and music from The Clay Bottom Jug Busters playing fabulous blues and jug music..
Tickets for food and music or just the music are available and the bar will be serving locally sourced ales, ciders and other fine beverages.
Plus, the Langport Mummers who will perform their summer play, bringing to life a local story from 878 AD when Alfred rallied troops from his island base in the marshes at Athelney, before going on to fight the Viking Guthrum. It was written by Kate Lynch, one of the mummers, and coincidentally has a food and drink theme!
When Alfred lies wounded in battle, Geezer tries reviving him with cider, but it is the apocryphal burning of the cakes which save the day. Rumbustious street entertainment with a colourful cast with a hero, a villain, a cider-drinking sot, an old crone with a touch of magic, a cross-dressing floosie, the black dog of Langport and a menacing Viking raven.
Wed 19
Any more information?
• Feasting will begin from 6pm.
• Frolics with the Langport Mummers as they present "Burnt cakes” at 6.30pm
• More Frolics from The Clay Bottom Jug Busters playing blues and jug music from 7.30pm
• Tickets: £14 – frolics only
• £25 – Feast and frolics
Booking required for some or all of your events, even if free?
Is there a charge for some events, even if others are free?
Any special directions?
How to book
The Bridge Bakery and canteen
Westover Trading Estate
TA10 9RB
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